Q&A: How do I write clear objectives? — Yazdani Consulting and Facilitation
Q&A: How do I write clear objectives?

Q&A: How do I write clear objectives?

How do I write clear objectives?

Strategic plans for nonprofits and mission-driven organizations sometimes fail to inspire action because they lack clear objectives. Our strategic plan or implementation plan’s objectives should provide clarity, foster accountability, and create a roadmap for team action.

To ensure your implementation objectives move your plan forward, I recommend this framework for writing clear objectives:

Action + Target + Measurable Metric + Deadline

Here's the breakdown:

  • Action: Start with strong action verbs. Use words like "increase," "improve," "develop," or "create."

  • Target: Clearly identify the action’s focus – the concrete outcome you're seeking.

  • Measurable Metric: A number, percentage, or clear metric helps you know when you've been successful.

  • Deadline: Don’t be deadline-vague! Set an exact calendar date.

Here’s an example highlighting the difference a clear objective can make:

  • Vague: Implement a leadership training program.

  • Clear & Actionable: Deliver a leadership training program to 50% of supervisory staff by July 1st, 2024.

Writing clear objectives paves the way forward for the successful implementation of your strategic plan!

Get our Impactful Strategic Planning Template & Worksheet to help you develop actionable implementation objectives for your broader plan goals.


Learn about our Planning Services, schedule an introductory call with Jami Yazdani, or add a 1-hr Planning Consulting Session to our calendar!

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