Results of Research Survey on the Strategic Alignment of Projects — Yazdani Consulting and Facilitation

Results of Research Survey on the Strategic Alignment of Projects

​Over the summer, we conducted a research survey about project management and the strategic alignment of projects in mission-driven organizations​.

The results of the survey are now available! Key findings include:

  • The majority of respondents (55%) identified their projects as being "closely aligned" with their organization's strategic goals or objectives.

  • While there was no correlation between a respondent's role and their agreement on alignment, higher-level leaders were more likely to view their organization's projects as being closely aligned.

  • Most respondents indicated that alignment was considered early in the project timeline, with 61% responding that alignment occurs during the project proposal/approval/justification process and 55% during strategic or organizational planning.

While the small sample size in this initial phase of our research limits us in drawing conclusions​ ​from the survey data​, it does suggest several avenues for future research phases.​​ ​As such, we plan to conduct targeted interviews with leaders in mission-driven​ ​organizations in 2023.​

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