What is Project Sustainability?

What is Project Sustainability?

Project sustainability means that we can maintain our project's work and outcomes at a certain rate or level. Sustainability is bigger than a single project or project manager and needs to be defined and understood at the organizational level. As a project manager, we want to understand what sustainability means for our organization so that we can effectively consider it. Sustainability might be defined as:

  • Environmental Sustainability - How will our outcomes impact our climate and environment? How can we ensure our project and outcomes support best practices and organizational values for reducing climate damage and impacts?

  • Organizational Sustainability - How do our project's outcomes help sustain our organization? Are we doing work or building outcomes that further our organization's mission?

  • Financial Sustainability - Are our project outcomes something we can afford to maintain? Do we have the funding or backing to continue to support the outcomes or programs we are building?

  • Operational Sustainability - Do we have the people and time to implement and maintain our outcomes? Can we actually run this new program or initiative that our project is creating?

Project Sustainability - Environmental, Organizational, Financial, Operational

Project sustainability is particularly important for mission-driven organizations because so many projects in these environments are building or creating programs or systems or deliverables that will become a part of the organization's regular or ongoing operations. It’s critical that we make sure that what we are building is something that the organization can maintain or sustain!

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